168th Life Church ServiceMessage:
Psalm 103:1-22 “Count Blessings of This Year”
Do we remember much of what happened in our life this year? Most media are reporting the events that took place during the year. It might be timely to look back and recall the blessing we have had.
Through Jesus Christ, we know how much God loves us. Even before the time of Jesus, David praised the Lord for His love..
Being human, we are made to forget, especially difficulties and unpleasant experiences. However, verse 2 says “do not forget how kind he is”. As time goes by, we tend to take all blessings for granted. Just because we are Christians, we expect to go to heaven forgetting that it is through God’s mercy and love rather than from our deeds.
Verse 1: “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” David is reminding himself to keep praising God and remember what God has done. David was not praising God just because he was in a mood, but he was telling himself as a command to remember God’s love.
We can learn the relationship with God through David:
1. Our relationship with God should not be swayed by others. People without healthy relations with God tend to blame on others or the situation when things go wrong and do not realize that the fault is on them.
2. Relationship is to be between you and God. People who leave it to others blessings and happiness endeavor to change other people or the surroundings rather than himself. When things go as desired, he is thankful to God, but when things go wrong he forgets about God. David’s relations with God are not influenced by other people and we must accept that we cannot force others to change as we like them to.
3. Believe in God and have faith that He is in control. We must believe that everything happens according to the will of God and that results will be good. God’s reply may not be immediate; however, even at times of difficulties, we must trust God that He will good results.
James 1:6-8: But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.
David was neither stable at all time but the difference is that he always put God first. From verse 3 through 9, David describes and praises God with following words – He forgives and heals; love and mercy; fills my life with good things; works righteousness and justice; made know his ways to Moses; compassionate and gracious; will not always accuse not angry forever; and does not punish us as we deserve or repays according to our sins and wrongs. Even when David did not know Jesus, he was already describing Jesus and foretelling the gospel.
When we become aware of God’s forgiveness, mercy and love, there is no point in being influenced by how we feel each day but be thankful for the blessings.