Message from John 9:24-41 titled “Are your Spiritual Eyes Open?”
Kids: Jesus healed the man blind from birth and he believed. But Pharisees who were not physically blind did not see Jesus nor believe in Jesus = spiritually blind.
When Jesus opens our eyes of our heart, we are enabled to see very clearly even what are unpleasant including our sins. However, God still loves us knowing everything about us.
Jesus healed a blind man on a Sabbath (a day of rest with no work) since He has authority over Sabbath and God has purposed the day to save people. He healed the blind so that he could see salvation.
John 9:41 – Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.”
Healing of physically blind was an example to show that people who could see were spiritually blind since they were unable to see their own faults.
Genesis 3:6-7 – Adam and Eve’s sight for greed was opened while spiritual eyes were closed and had to leave the Garden of Eden, away from God – first sin. Our spiritual eyes to see God have been closed. All the problems we face on this earth are the outcome of our spiritual blindness.
Ephesians 3:18-19 – A serious result of spiritual blindness is the inability to see God’s love – how wide, long, high and deep is the love of Christ (Paul’s prayer for the Christians in Ephesus).
Romans 8:38-39 – So strong is God’s love that if we knew it, nobody could reject. Therefore, we can convey the good message with confidence, not that we have the power to change people’s heart but that God’s love would do so.
What need to be done to open the eyes of our hearts:
1. Acknowledge your own spiritual blindness. (John 9:40-41) The Pharisees knew the scripture very well, obeyed it and taught it, therefore, couldn’t understand how they could be blind.
The story of the prodigal son shows that both sons were spiritually blind. However, the younger realized his blindness after spending all his fortune and repented and also found his father’s (God’s) love. We should be aware that we are not almighty and need the love of God.
2. Seek to have your eyes opened. It is not enough to realize your blindness – your sin – and just regret. Instead repent and seek God’s forgiveness and salvation (Luke 18:41). Only the person who is blind can ask for healing.
3. Seeing/understanding the cross of Christ. (1 John 4:9-10) There’s no need to pray for miracles to see God because we know through witnesses who left their testimonies in the Bible. The fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins shows how great God’s love is that he sent His Son.
The question is not worrying about whether our spiritual eyes are open or not but to see Jesus Christ on the cross and understand how much God loves us.