John 17:6-19 – “Know the Will of God Part 2”
[Has worries increased since becoming a Christian?]Some people may feel that difficulties and worries have increased since becoming a Christian. Such a feeling could be correct.
One of the reasons could be that we are sinful by nature. We normally accept what is good while we tend to remember what is bad and worry over it. Eventually, the joy of salvation, forgiveness of sin, eternal life and the joy of having Christ together with us are taken for granted.
[Becoming more sensitive to sin as a Christian]When we understand the truth from the Bible and receive the Spirit, we become more sensitive to sin, which is another reason for the increase of worries and difficulties. (John 9:39, John 16:8)
This enables us as a Christian to realize our grave sin as well as of others which had gone unnoticed before.
Furthermore, our moral sense and ethics become stronger as much as our awareness of our weakness and dishonesty. As a result, some of us may have the wrong feeling that we were happier before.
[Trouble in this world]In other words, becoming a Christian did not increase the trouble, however, it has enabled us to look straight into the reality of this world. Jesus clearly says in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
[Protection and Prayer of Jesus!]Jesus prays for the sake of his disciple in John 17:15, “My prayer is not that you take them (the disciples) out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” This prayer is not only meant for the disciples, but could also be meant for us today. Jesus already knew his disciples will face difficulties in this world.
Therefore, Jesus protects and mediates for the disciples, and us through his prayer. And this prayer will surely be heard because this is the prayer of the only Son of God; in other words, this is the will of God.
《Point of this week》
①Believe that Jesus Christ protects us
We may understand that Jesus protects us in our mind. However, do we believe that Jesus is always with us in our daily life? This week, let us look back and proceed our days remembering that Jesus is always with us. Let us be confident that our steps will bring us daily peace!