169th Life Church ServiceMessage:
“Knowing the Love of Christ”
Children’s Message: Song – Love in both hands – asks the question of “How much did Jesus love us? He stretched both arms and hands wide and said “This Much.”
It’s OK not to be the best in studies and sports. It’s absolutely necessary to get Jesus’ love.
Last week we talked about how much Jesus loved us. Today we just want to share one verse.
John 13:1 – Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
Before the Passover Festival, Jesus knew that His hour had come to depart from this world to the Father. Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
Showed three Japanese Bible versions of how the phrase, “Jesus loved them,” is translated.
Often we struggle with how to love and be loved because of a bad influence from our parents.
5 different bad results of not getting enough love from our relationship with our parents.
– Not being aware of lacking parents’ love
– Unable to relate own problem with lack of parents’ love
– Feeling “It’s too late.”
– Thinking “It was all right after all.”
– No solution
Look online at the different results from a search about bad relationships with parents. So much information on this topic. Things like not enough physical contact or not enough conversation, etc.
One article puts the blame for many problems on the lack of love from the Mom. Tons of articles on this topic. The point is that the love of the parent has a Huge Influence.
Have I been raised in love? Then there is the LOVE of God.
We may think we understand Love. We have an idea in our minds, but when we woke up this morning what did we do to practically show our love?
John 13:1 shows how Jesus practically loved.
Romans 5:5 Paul talks about this love. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Really want you to experience God’s Love. Want you to feel God’s Love, rather than just understanding.