170th Life Church Service
Message: John 13:1-20 “Knowing Love of Jesus Christ – 2”
Last week’s message - we need God’s love. Without knowing the love of God, our love is not fulfilled. Not many people realize this. This is the meaning of sin – the real agony of life is not knowing God’s love.
People may understand that he is loved by God, but if he has never felt love and the satisfaction it brings, there is no urge of seeking God’s love. For example, if a person has never experienced something really good – be it food, clothing, cars or anything – he is satisfied with what he has without the knowledge of the very best.
Many of us may know that God love us, but we might be taking it as an idea and not feeling it as an experience. Therefore, we should seek the true love of God.
Today’s message – washing the disciples’ feet.
1. The purpose of “washing feet” is not “for your own success”
Matthew 20:28 – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to give His life a ransom for many.
2 “Washing feet” was not meant to teach morality, such as
– Be the first to do the work you don’t like.
– Do not despise dirty works.
– Be humble and modest.
They should not be for your own merit but be expressions of love. Love is for others and not for yourself.
3. Washing feet” is love – Jesus taught his disciples to understand love is not an idea but to practice.
A person is naturally moved to wash other’s feet if he is obedient to Christ.
– One who washes his servant’s feet lives in the love of God – anticipating own success through action.
– One who lives in the love of God washes his servant’s feet – moved to act from love.
– One who washes his servant’s feet is obedient to Christ – could be through hypocrisy.
– One who is obedient to Christ washes his servant’s feet – moved to act from love.
Jesus teaches that if a person is obedient to Christ, he will express love by action/behavior rather than doing the action to show he was being obedient. If we have accepted Jesus’ love, we would want to practice love and be able to accept, forgive or clean up the mess of other people.
4. Try putting it into practice.
John 13:14-15 – If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.
– “Washing feet,” a serious person may think he was being a hypocrite or maybe it was from pure love that he was doing it.
Don’t worry about failures but wash other’s feet since this is what Jesus ordered. Jesus told us to love one another. Church and homes are places to practice expressing your love to others.