January 18, 2015 – Message: John 13:1-20 “Knowing Love of God -3”
“Washing feet” – Jesus washed his disciples feet. When he came to Peter, he refused to be washed at first but finally gave in. Foot was considered a very dirt part of the body = sin. Jesus not only cleaned the physical feet but cleansed our sin by giving up his own life.
1. A relation of love with Christ is to be able to show one’s filthiest and ugliest part and be touched by Christ.
・John 13:8 – Peter said to Him, “Never shall you wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.”
・In Japan, it is taught as a moral concept not to burden other people . However, Jesus is not “other” people. We need to depend on Jesus to resolve our problems.. To reject Jesus is to be separated from Him. As Christians, do we live for our own sake (self-centered) or can be open ourselves before Jesus?
2. To “receive Love of Christ” is to “submit yourself to Christ”
・John 13:9 – Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, then wash not only my feet, but also my hands and my head.”
・To “surrender wholly” is a decision that requires courage. To receive Love of Christ, you must decide to open yourself up to Christ and depend on Him.
・To receive Love of Christ, you must give up your pride and modesty. You might know Jesus loves you, but just knowing is not enough. You should be able to receive His love, i.e. to give up your pride and modesty and open yourself completely. Realizing this, Peter went so far as to ask Jesus to wash other parts as well.
3. Experience the joy of your ugliest part being accepted. People wish to hide their ugly parts if possible. However, it turns out to be a real joy when we open ourselves and find out our filthiest part being received.
This is love of Jesus and that is why we can be happy.
・Acceptance by Christ is not through “tolerance” but “total acceptance”
・Acceptance by Christ is not a “permission” but “forgiveness”
Jesus could forgive any of our sins and receive us. He did not neutralize our sins but made it perfect and righteous. We know this because he died for our sins on the cross.
4. “To love one another” means to show each other our ugliest part, and touch the each other’s part.
・John 13:14 – If I then, the Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
・The good thing about relationships of man and wife, parent and children, and church is that each one can be honest to each other and show your ugliest part and yet be touched. Knowing that you will be received makes you feel secured. To show your weaknesses is an action of love. Jesus showed his love by becoming weak and washing the disciples’ feet. There’s no need to cover ourselves with decorations
Recheck your relationship with Jesus and be able to show yourself openly.