LC Message–Philippians 3:4-11 “Experiencing a Love you have never Experienced before.”
Happy Easter
Kids Message
–have you ever wondered how a pastor comes with a message every week? Pastor Shindo didn’t know about the Bible growing up even though he was the son of a pastor.
–we don’t automatically know God and the Bible because our parents are Christian or even if they are pastors.
–Today’s passage was written by Paul. He came from an elite background. When he actually met Jesus, he realized none of that really mattered. He needed to have his own personal relationship with Christ.
Easter Worship
–Very important to remember that three days after He died, Jesus rose from the grave. The disciples and others were a witness to it all.
–Some people doubted the resurrection and that doubt is still around to this day.
–But there is much proof that Jesus actually rose from the dead. Even with the strictest examination, the truth of the resurrection still stands. It was not just an elaborate plot or some kind of brainwashing.
–When you hear of Jesus’ resurrection what do you think?
1. Christ’s cross and resurrection is the power to transform our life.
Philippians 3:7 – But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ.
We may wonder if the resurrection really has the power to transform our lives. It does! There is no promise to make us rich or healthy but to transform us into the image of Christ.
Education can’t transform our lives like the Resurrection.
2. Renew your sense of well-being.
“Does that really make me happy?”
In 2014 a survey showed that Japan ranked 43 among 1st world countries in happiness among it’s people. Just because there is wealth and education doesn’t mean that there is happiness.
3. Know and Receive the love of God through the cross and resurrection of Christ.
Romans 5:8 – But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
Galatians 2:20 – and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Ephesians 2:4-6
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love that He had for us, made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace! Together with Christ Jesus He also raised us up and seated us in the heavens,
In the resurrection we find the true LOVE of Christ.
What we know about LOVE is limited. God’s true love can be known in the resurrection of Christ.