May 24, 2015 – John 15:16 “Reconfirming Our Assignment from God’”
Today is Pentecost, but what is so special about Pentecost or the descent of the Holy Spirit?
When you hear the word “Pentecost”, do you feel happy or joy? If you don’t, isn’t it strange to celebrate Pentecost? Let’s confirm the joy of Pentecost.
Before reviewing, let’s ask ourselves: Is there anyone who understands you completely, accepts you, supports you, and stays by your side at all times? Same question has been asked before, but will be reviewed again because of its significance. Imagine your parents, children, spouses, brothers and sisters, friends, colleagues, bosses or teachers. Is there anyone who understands you completely, accepts you, be on your side and will be by your side forever?
We have a strong desire of “being understood and accepted.” Without such a person, we feel a sense of isolation and loneliness, insecurity and rage. This could be a serious problem which could affect your emotional stability. Eventually, you may be led to blame the people around you. For example, take a boss you dislike so much. Maybe you have a good list of reasons why you don’t like him. However, you may not be aware that the true reason you dislike him could be because you have not been acknowledged and your desire to be accepted has not been fulfilled.
The solution is simple. All you have to do is to find someone who accepts you, be your ally and always be with you. The interesting part is that, once you have someone like that, your worries of whether you are accepted by anyone stops to become a problem. But we don’t seem to have a person like that,
Except in Jesus Christ.
Jesus promised:
Matthew 28:20 – “… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
John 14:16 – And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever .
Why can we trust Jesus?
1. Jesus loves us – even when he knows how sinful and weak we are, and has accepted us. He proved this not only by words but even to suffer for us on the cross.
2. He promised to be with us to the “very end of the age” by sending the Holy Spirit.
This is the significance of Pentecost, the day Jesus’ promise was fulfilled – the coming of the Holy Spirit. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can confirm and believe the promise of Jesus Christ. Since we can believe that Christ loves us, has accepted us and will be with us forever, we can be freed of our sense of isolation, desolation and insecurity.
Imagine Jesus Christ holding us very tight in his arms like a mother holds her baby tight, and entrust ourselves wholly to God.