John 16:16-24 “Experiencing the joy of Christ”
The gospel of John 13 through 17 is said to be Jesus’ “Farwell Discourse”. Learning that Jesus would be parting soon, the disciples were feeling uneasy. Some may have even felt furious, having left their house and family to follow Jesus but eventually to be left behind.
However, in John 14:1 Jesus told them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” In other words, there is no need to worry whatever may happen as long as we trust in Jesus.
1. Know your worries, fear, and grief.
John 16:22 – So with you: Now is your time of grief…, When we face a serious problem, we first respond emotionally and fall into a panic. Jesus knew exactly why the disciples were being uneasy, therefore, tells them not to be disturbed. How is it in our case? We may be over-reacting to an issue and letting our emotion control us.
2. Know the solution to your worries, fear, and grief.
John 16:22 – … but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. Jesus clearly points out the solution to their worries. He promised that they will see him again and also that he will ask the Father to give another Helper – the Holy Spirit (John 14:16).
This applies to Christians today as well. When our financial problem, health problem or difficulties with human relations is solved, we feel relieved and happy.
The sad fact is that this joy is only temporary since other trouble tends to spring up. The only solution is Jesus Christ who understands our feelings and makes us calm in times of trouble.
Therefore, we must trust in God and trust and in Jesus Christ. Without trusting Jesus, there is no other solution to our problems and find peace and joy.