2015.9.27 礼拝


2015.9.27 礼拝


2015.9.27 John 18:25-40 “Oppose the works of darkness Part 2”

We will continue to look at Peter’s “failure” and “disappointment”. As Christians, we are also prone to drift away from Jesus and church. Furthermore, there may be some people who would blame himself and feel disqualified to stand before Jesus. If not, some could label himself as a terribly irresponsible disciple while continuing the faith.

We will look into the relationship between Jesus and Peter, especially how Jesus thought of Peter. It is written in Leviticus 24:15-16 “If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death.” Peter must have known this law and felt he had committed an unforgivable sin. However, Jesus did not look at Peter that way, as he said, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen you brothers.” (Luke 22:32).

This relationship of how Jesus looks at Peter could be applied on us. Even if we sin and betray Jesus, he knows our love for him, and consequently, he keeps on accepting us with unbelievable patience and tolerance.

What we should do in response is to admit our sin and yet have faith that Jesus loves us and leads us. There may be people who cannot admit his grievous sin unless he goes through a crucial experience as Peter.

However, seeing Peter’s growth despite his repeated failures, we should also remember that we can return to Jesus admitting and facing up to our own sinful nature.

Today’s points:
1. Know that we are hopelessly full of sin
・One who is aware of own sin will seek salvation
・One who is aware of own sin is strong
・One who is aware of own sin is free

2. Know that Christ loves sinners
・One who lives in the love of Christ is strong
・One who lives in the love of Christ is free

The sum of 1 and 2 is “faith”. Faith without repentance or faith without love is not real faith. However, if we are aware of our sinful nature and know that Jesus loves us despite our sin, then we can be made strong and free. If we are really aware of our sin, then we can withstand unpleasant experience like when someone makes fun of us.

And if we are convinced that we are loved and wholly accepted by Christ, we will be able to evade bullying or neglects from others with the belief that “Jesus understands us and is with us.”

There would be no need to act cool or be self-conscious and play up to others. This is the strength and freedom in Christ Jesus. In a time when strength was a pride, Paul says, “If I must boast, I will boast of things that show my weakness.” (2 Corinthians 11:30)

He also confesses, “…sinners, –of whom I am the worst.” (1 Timothy 1:15) Therefore, let us move on being positive, strong and free in Christ.

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