2016.2.21 日曜礼拝

229th Life Church Service
2016.2.21 Jonah 3 – 4 Strengthening your confidence of belief from the Bible – 3
This week, we reconfirmed God’s plan to save the gentiles (global mission) clearly stated in the Old Testament.
Jonah believed it was best for the people of Nineveh, known to be cruel and unjust, to receive God’s judgment.
Therefore, he ignored God’s command and went the opposite direction. However, wanting the people of Nineveh to repent, God made Jonah to turn back and carry out the mission. This attitude of Jonah should not be overlooked. While having the scripture (the book of Jonah) available, the people of Israel neglected their duty as messengers to bring blessing to all mankind.
We, Christians must also remember that there exists a possibility for us to be disloyal to God’s plan and mission bestowed on us as we become self-centered and go after material and health blessing as well as our own spiritual growth.
We will look into how we can respond to God’s plan as introduced in the article from “The Pastor’s Room” in Life Church weekly bulletin.
Last week, we learned that as much as the people of Israel were chosen as God’s plan to bless all people, we were also chosen for the same purpose. It means God’s plan has not changed from the Old Testament period throughout today, the New Testament period. In order to respond to God’s plan for choosing and saving us (the people of Israel and us Christians), we must stay faithful to the very end.
How much of your daily life covers your time of being faithful to God’s call and plan? Are you aware of your responsibility and consciously participate in God’s purpose? Forgetting this awareness and consciousness, the people of Israel became proud as being special and spent their life pursuing their own blessing.
Since we have the Bible, we know the mistake that the people of Israel made as well as the Great Commandment of Jesus. Therefore, there is no reason why we should make the same mistake.
I believe “church building” is the best opportunity you can have to get a feeling of real participation in God’s plan. Since Life Church is still in the process of church building, there are number of occasions where your gifts can be utilized. Like Paul, there are lots of chances for you to contribute in church building. Let us look again at our church life from such viewpoint.