2016.9.25 Ephesians 6:1-4
Christianity is not a religion but a relationship of love in Christ. New command from Jesus is to love one another (John 13:34) rather than keeping the strict rituals.
During September, the message was “Putting Love of Christ into Practice.”
Practicing love within a family who are not Christians may require patience since their response would not be as quick as fellow Christians. Because God loved us even while we were sinners by sending Jesus to the cross, we should also love with patience and forgiveness Colossians 3:13).
Children are no exception to practice love as Paul says “honor your father and mother” (Ephesians 6:2). This may be a difficulty to children especially when they are pressured to do something against their will and disables them to clearly understand their parents love. However, it needs to be taken seriously since this is “the first commandment with promise, so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:2-3) and trust God’s promise.
Fathers should also understand their responsibility and “not to provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4) and practice the love of Christ. Such skills are modelled by Jesus in the Bible – washing the disciples’ feet and death on the cross – as some examples of love and forgiveness.
What should be our life of faith? It is to do the will of God and not just observing the religious rituals
Love your neighbor (God’s command)
Practice the command (obedience) – however, difficulties and failures occur from misunderstanding
Repeating failures (conflict and repentance) when we realize how insufficiently we practice our love
Reconfirming the love of God (conviction) enables us to put the love of Christ into action.
Continue to practice the command (endurance leading to joy) being able to practice love.
Have stronger love and trust of God, as well as loyalty to God.
Growth (to be more Christ-like) even little by little. We repeat the cycle to be more like Christ and practice the love of Christ as he has shown us.
Q: What is growth in faith? A: To be changed to a person of love.
Q: What is needed to grow in faith? A: Put love into practice.
Ephesians 4:16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Love is to practice the word of God in a way Jesus has demonstrated so that we can build up the body of Christ.
Questions to ask how we are coming along in practicing the love of God:
Q: Do you (to your husband, wife, child, brothers, fellow Christians)
・express your gratitude?
・seriously listen to their words?
・accept / forgive their unpleasantness?
・offer support / encouragement?
Checklist to see which you tend to be? (More list could be added.)
Sign of maturity (Love your neighbor) Sign of immaturity (self-love)
・give (conflict turn to joy) ・demanding (irritation)
・support ( – “ -) ・waiting for help ( – “ – )
・encourage ( -“ – ) ・waiting for encouragement ( – “ -)
・reprove ( – “ – ) ・get mad ( – “ – )
・forgive ( – “ – ) ・reproach / judge ( – “ – )
・accept ( – “ – ) ・have likes and dislikes ( – “ – )
・rejoice at other’s success ・compete / envy
・be modest ・boast
The Checklist is only one of the ways to remind us how much we practice the love of Christ. Nothing can be achieved in an instance, however, it is important remember Go’s love and his presence.